Storme Webber
Storme Webber is a writer, interdisciplinary artist, curator, educator, and cultural producer. Her poetry has been featured in numerous anthologies, including: Voices Rising: Celebrating 20 Years of Black Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Writing; Cornbread, Fish and Collard Greens: Prayers, Poems & Affirmations for People Living with HIV/AIDS; Black Women and Writing: The Migration of the Subject; Jack Straw Writers Anthology (Volume 13); Yellow Medicine Review: International Queer Indigenous Voices; and The Popular Front of Contemporary Poetry Anthology. Her poetry collections include Diaspora, Blues Divine, and the forthcoming Noirish Lesbiana. Storme teaches Creative Writing to young people at the University of Washington, and has served as featured faculty at Hedgebrook, Whidbey Island Writer’s Conference, Chuckanut Writer’s Conference, The University of Puget Sound, Seattle University, and Richard Hugo House. She has been featured in the documentaries Venus Boyz, May Ayim: Hope in Heart, What’s Right with Gays These Days?, and Living Two Spirit. Her performance credits include international spoken word tours and theater, including her own solo interdisciplinary works Buddy Rabbit and Noirish Lesbiana: A Night at the Sub Room.
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