Please read – regarding the download files:
The MP3 files are compressed for easier downloading into one or more ZIP files. After placing your order, click the link on the confirmation page to download it to your computer. You will also receive this link in your confirmation email. These files will not be simple to access if downloaded directly to a mobile device. If you are uncertain, download them to a computer.
On your computer, locate the file in your downloads area. Double click the zip file to access the MP3s. From there, add them to your preferred music library.
The MP3 files are saved with 128kbps CD quality compression. If you prefer higher fidelity or if you have any problems downloading the music, please contact us.
“With their first album these two talented women step forth and establish a strong musical identity. Drawing on Medieval and Renaissance music of the British Isles for materials and inspiration, they have created a musical tapestry women from their voices, dulcimer and their striking arrangements.” Walnut Valley Occasional (review of Aeolus)
“This is one of the most beautiful records ever made.” ~George Winston, Windham Hill Artist
“Ruth Barrett and Cyntia Smith produce music which faithfully recreates eras so far bygone that it reaches into our psychic depths of myth and imagination, emotionally transporting us in ways nothing on the radio can.” ~Music Connection Magazine
“Few mountain dulcimer players can make the dulcimer sound as classic as can Ruth Barrett and Cyntia Smith. An additional bonus is the superb vocal quality of Ruth and Cyntia. The overall effect is one of classic beauty. Anyone with a love of music should thoroughly enjoy this album.” ~The Walnut Valley Occasional (review of Music of the Rolling World)
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